Friday, November 5, 2010

ballerina project.

When I heard about this project via here I was immediately in awe with all of the beautiful photographs. Check out the project here

some of my my favorites

all images taken from here

man crush: kenan thompson

Dear Kenan,
Thank you for making me laugh every time I watch SNL. You are beyond.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

round 157343734

So this is my ba-jillionth time with a "new" blog. I'm actually hoping to keep this one for the long run, the problem with all the other ones was that I just could not stay committed to writing every day. So I am starting all over again. This time I plan to actually comment on others blogs as well because I kind of feel like a creeper having a ton of blogs on my reader and never responding. I'm excited :) Blogs are my greatest source of inspiration so I hope I can achieve that in this little blog o mine as well.